University of California San Francisco

Bian Wu MD

Vascular Surgeon, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco


    Dr. Wu received his undergraduate degree in molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley in 2007 and his medical doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2011. He then completed a general surgery residency at the University of California, San Francisco (2011-2018). During this time he also completed a two year research fellowship with Dr. Michael Conte studying the role of resolution biology in vascular surgery and restenosis (2014-2016). He is currently a vascular surgery clinical fellow at the University of California, San Francisco. In addition to vascular surgery, Dr. Wu has interest in and commitment to surgical education.



    University of California, Berkeley, B.A. Molecular and Cell Biology, 2007

    University of California, Los Angeles, M.D., 2011

    Start Year
    End Year

    Clinical Interests

    Vascular Surgery

    Book Chapters

    Wu B, Maa J. Appendicitis in D Schlossberg Clinical Infectious Disease, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

    Han SM, Wu B, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Vartanian SM, Conte MS, Hiramoto J. “Risk Factors for 30 Day Hospital Readmission in Patients Undergoing Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease.” Presented at the 28th Annual Western Vascular Society Meeting. Jasper, Canada. September 2013.
    Jabaji Z, Bondada S, Wu B, Lahar N, Lee S, Shew SB, Atkinson JB, Dunn JCY, DeUgarte DA. “Safety and Efficacy of Pyloroplasty in the Setting of Primary Fundoplication.” Submitted for review to Pediatric Surgery International May 2013.
    Yeh MW, Wiseman JE, Ituarte PH, Pasternak JD, Hwang RS, Wu B, Liu IL, Haigh PI. “Surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism: are the consensus guidelines being followed?” Ann Surg. 2012 Jun;255(6):1179-83.
    Deugarte D, Wu B, Bondada, S. “Risk Factors for Redo Fundoplication.” E poster presentation at the 83rd Annual Pacific Coast Surgical Association Meeting. Napa Valley, CA. February, 2012.
    Wu B, Haigh PI, Liu ILA, Ituarte PHG, Yeh MW. “Undertreatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in the Elderly” at the 30th Annual American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES) National Conference. Madison, WI. May, 2009.
    Wu B, Haigh PI, Bath J, Hwang RS, Liu ILA, Ituarte PHG, Yeh MW. Underutilization of Parathyroidectomy in Elderly Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Sep;95(9):4324-30.
    Morris LF, Zelada J, Wu B, Yeh MW. “Parathyroid Surgery in the Elderly.” The Oncologist, November 2010. Oncologist. 2010;15(12):1273-84.
    Wu B, Bluth B, Stark EM, Wisco JJ. “The Cleidosternohyoid: a fifth infrahyoid muscle? International Journal of Anatomic Variations, 2010;3:183-5.
    Bluth B, Wu B, Stark EM, Wisco JJ. "Variant of the Extensor Pollicis Tertius: A Case Report on a Unique Extensor Muscle to the Thumb." Anatomical Science International. 2011;86(3):160-3.
    Saljooque F, Ho A, Wu B, U HS. "Induction of pancreatic phenotypes in Central Nervous System derived pluripotential progenitor cells" Experimental Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2011;119(2):101-10.
    Sanzone AG, Wu B (Bian W). "Use of a Traction Bow to Facilitate Reduction when Performing Retrograde Femoral Nailing." Orthopedics. 2007;30(6):430-431.
    U HS, Wu B, Wilkes N, Ho A, Saljooque F. “Brain Stem Cells Adopt a Pituitary Fate after Implantation into the Adult Rodent Pituitary Gland.” Neuroendocrinology, 2007;86(1):58-68.

    In the News

    March, 17, 2015 | UCSF General Surgery Residency Program

    Research Narrative

    Dr. Wu's past research focused on the mechanisms of resolution in acute vascular injury for which he was the PI on two Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F32) grants awards from the NIH/NHLBI. Through the opportunities and resources provided by the Conte lab, he developed the essential knowledge of and experience with in vitro and in vivo techniques for his future career in translational research and vascular biology. His experience in the Conte Lab inspired and invigorated his passion for science and prepared him for future career as a productive and innovative surgeon-scientist.

    Research Interests

    Vascular Surgery
    Vascular Biology
    Role of resolution biology in vascular surgery and restenosis
    Surgical Education